our philosophy

The educational mission

In addition to fun, our products also promote creativity, fine and gross motor skills, and cooperation. Through close collaboration with our partners, the products can guarantee educational added value.

Our climbing triangles , climbing walls and indoor playgrounds in particular follow the ideas of Maria Montessori and Emmi Pikler , which as a pedagogy focuses on the needs, talents and gifts of the individual child.

Our concept

KleinLeni stands for sustainable and educational toys!

We value sustainable & non-toxic products made from renewable raw materials. We select our partners/manufacturers carefully in order to be able to present you with attractively priced, pedagogically and playfully appealing, safe products.

No cheap imported goods that do not have to go through any test procedures . We expressly distance ourselves from these products and warn against them.

Hello World,

I'm Leni and I love running around outside. But even in autumn/winter, when the weather doesn't allow it, I need action in the house.

For this reason, my dad founded "KleinLeni" and looked for manufacturers of indoor play options that satisfy exactly this need for movement in the house.

Discover our products

High safety requirements for our products

Our products have a CE DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY , which states that the products meet the requirements of the relevant EC/EU directives.

Accordingly, only child-friendly materials are used in manufacturing and finishing.

Wood as an ideal material

Natural, warm and durable - because sustainability doesn't just come from the material, the lifespan also plays a role! Wooden toys often outlast a childhood and can be passed on - for us, that is “practiced” sustainability!

KleinLeni Sonderpreis für Kleingründer 2024 Nordwest

Gründerpreis Nordwest 2024

Voller Stolz konnten wir in dem Jahr 2024 den Gründerpreis Nordwest in der Kategorie "Kleingründungen" gewinnen.

Überreicht von der Schirmherrin Gitta Connemann wurden wir für den Gründermut und der Innovation des Unterenhmens und der Produkte ausgezeichnet.


ImJahr 2024 hatten wir Besuch von lokalen Medien, denen wir im Rahmen einer Berichtserstattung ausführlich Rede und Antwort standen.

Herausgekommen ist ein toller Bericht!

Jetzt reinlesen

Closing words

Behind KleinLeni there is no corporation or brand that provides vast amounts of money so that a company can grow quickly and uncontrolled.

Behind KleinLeni there is actually only me, Stefan, Leni's dad .

The story behind KleinLeni is real and not marketing gibberish from any corporation. Therefore, it can also happen here and there that the processes in the shop do not run 100% smoothly - but I do my best ;)

And now, have fun in our online shop!

  • Spielzeug aus nachwachsenden und schadstofffreien Rohstoffen

    Renewable raw materials

    Toys made from renewable and non-toxic raw materials

  • Spielzeug aus nachwachsenden und schadstofffreien Rohstoffen

    Proven Quality

    Many of our products are officially tested and certified with CE seals

  • Spielzeug aus nachwachsenden und schadstofffreien Rohstoffen

    Educational Benefit

    Many of our products have been developed according to the Montessori understanding

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